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I'm going to get 4 cape codes, but every code can be shared and used by anyone else which means I will get 8 capes! Sure @Vaxix
I'm going to minecon this year. Waiting for announcement :)
Experiencing a disrespectful time in mineverse is caused by @kalaniMCJr .Until now he's not respecting anyone truly at all here.
Hello there,
Making a review video on my new texturepack!
I agree @reborn . Sorry Kalani
Mhmm :)
Good!, wait do you remember me?
Hey there :)
I would just like a quick message, KalaniMC should be perm banned. He's been using this fake hack client for a long time by now and has been...
How am i banned?
Yeah I did, I got unbanned.
@Andrewswj yes! I know, pretty happy a staff helped, you helped too! Thanks
Thanks for the help @Chain I knew he was hacking as another report was made about him. You helped a lot. Thank you for the unban,
I wasn't hacking and you used a client that would make me look like I hack.
I got unbanned due to your client.
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