Top lad and a cool kid that should GET ON SKYPE MORE!
So you know what to do, post below and I will tell you what I think of you! Goodbye, Senpai
What is that sig??????? xD
No support on /fly and MCMMO as they would be VERY OP but I do support on the Jobs as I am poor and need money and the more homes as they would be...
I have never watched anime.. *runs and hides*
I have not really noticed any crashes my self, but that is just me. Also, please stay on topic.
Welcome back!
Oh, okay. My mistake. Also support :)
This is grave-digging, please can a Mod lock this thread? @bananaman11223 @Nightfire
Welcome to mineverse forums! I hope you enjoy your time here!
CT or T?
Ty bb Wanna Skype later and hear my fabulous voice? :P
O,o A solid 49 ping in the EU and that is average for me.
We share bdays, that's some illuminati stuff right there O.o
Is it advertising?
No, sorry. :/ You could do the warp on survival to see that it is a death warp, if you have the time.
All the support means loads! Thanks guys!!!
Your ingame name: Maxtekker The offender's ingame name: Xxfireboy773xX A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Death Warp...