and i actualy got raely upset when it got closed beacuse i worked raelly hard on it :(((
but why u censoring it??? muslim hater
i made a mod application and it got closed for no reason and 99% of the islam-related words got censored by a moderator. JUST BEACUSE IM MUSLIM...
nobody cares
yea it is cool. thanks. it beats all ur computers combined
built it myself. can run csgo on 1000fps+ and star wars battlefront max graphic on 900+ [IMG] [IMG] titan gtx gpu hope u dont get too jealous.
go back to club penguin if ur gonna cry over a word
ok fixed the rating haha [IMG]
[IMG] u have changed name before u should already know idiot
i bet none of u know anything about servers and computers. the reasons for ur lag is either 1) ur wifi router suck 2) u live in africa and not US
if they were not dumb they should know trust anyone = instant scammed so ur wrong and i bet u get scammed all the time
yes i already know. u dont have to spam me
stop crying beacuse u were dumb enough to get scammed
how about u go outside. u have almost 5k posts kid
ive seen u months ago so stop lying
u should raelly learn how internet works ... there is a guy with 49k posts on this forum
omfg dont u know anything about computers?? u cant expect no lag with a crappy computer
u can just buy alts. this suggestion is useless
no support never see u ingame and my friend told me u trashwalked other players
haha triggered 9 year old