Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Mr__Friendly The offender's exact ingame name:...
I'm here to propose a new idea for the mineverse shop. It would be much better (In My Opinon) If that it was updated, for certain things aren't...
Hello everyone It's Mr. friendly here, my IGN is Optic_Skillz. Fell Free to ask me ANYTHING you would like to, so you guy's can know more about me. :)
Your ingame name: Optic_Skillz The offender's exact ingame name: willnguyen06 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Very rude...
So, everyone knows how you can use your in-game money to buy Xp bottles On kitpvp 1, and 2. I'm suggesting that the mineverse store, where you buy...
Hello everyone. I'm here today to suggest that Ender Pearls should No longer give the player damage when used. Many Devoted Pvper's Use Ender...
Hello, I was playing Towny and CaptBluewolf and I don't have a friendly bond. He told me to kys (Kill My Self) [ATTACH] This isn't a joke much...
Hello everyone. i'm here to suggest Towny shops. Now, What I mean by this is that anyone that is in a town, Mayor, Co-Mayor, assistant, or...
I've recently noticed that the message count for me isn't going up when I comment (Works for posting things) on things. Anyone else having this...
Introduction Hello everyone my name is Corey Ellis. I'm currently in the eight grade. I am 13 years old and counting. I enjoy playing Minecraft,...
Hello everyone :). My name is Corey. My previous Forums username & IGN was CEllis2003, but They've both been changed. My new Forums name is Mr....
I recently just started the easy quests. I'm currently at the one where you have to chop down 64 oak logs, but it won't let me turn it in. Please help
So I'm going for top voter and i've run into an issue. I recently changed my IGN From CEllis2003, to Optic_Skillz. I'm currently on the top...
Hey Guy's! I've been spending some time on this new spawn i've been building for archer pvp, and I hope you guy's like it! Also, If there's...
IGN: Optic_Skillz Map Name: Castle Town Map Description: It's an old castle, but in good shape, with a forest terrain, watch tower's, Houses, And...
Hello everyone. It's plain and simple, I'm making an infection map submission and I need a community Vote. for my map it's a Medieval Castle, but...
Hello everyone my name is CEllis2003, my IGN was CEllis2003, But i just changed it today to Optic_Skillz. Many people already probably know me. I...
Quick Question How long is it before you can vote again? I thought it was every 24 hours, but i voted this morning at 6ish and then I just voted...
IGN: CEllis2003 Offender:Normi Suspicious movement/Glitching through wall. I watched as he walked through the block, but i have no recording...
IGN: CEllis2003 Offender: MonkeyKing5000[ATTACH] Advertising Steam items