not up for me. :l
close enough
Billy_Panda is 11, kek.
Not even $50, more like $15. It's so sad how kids think they have so much power on the internet because they can take people offline, it truly...
The 11 year old is trying to resolve someone so he can give it to someone else? Thinking that people don't have VPNs? He is a skid, nothing to...
you're a skid, please stop
they're trying to get their skype and twitter. they're skids
skids trying to ddos other skids, wouldn't say amazing, maybe funny.
ez gang
and flew right AWAY
No you cant, im not ielric
you cant transfer ranks
his thread was deleted, this is a new one he made dood
ign: fatshit number: 70 rank server: crafting dead rank you want: survivalist on atlanta 1 us I'd like to gift this to my friend.
but i realy want it
pee pee head
damn strait
i tried so hard to make it good im sorry
How old are you? 9 Your in-game name: ben1233211269 What timezone are you in? america What country do you live in? america What languages do you...
Did you not read!? I said my email is deleted!!!! This is a mod application! Stop posting please!