I never see you on Prison.. I go check like once or twice a day and you're not there.,, :( I also get side tracked and get muted/kicked for a few...
Yeah, I don't want to anyway Xd It'll be awkward af if it's not you
oh it's your birthday, grats on your first birthday nub! <3
I'll go up to her and say... "Omg, hi I'm a big fan, is your MC name wagonwheelgirl"
I don't know, I don't know her at all, I only see her around and she looks really similar
i'll give you free diamonds
flaza go look at meh report
alt + f4 for free diamonds
My In-Game Name: OhhmgHarder Offenders In-Game Name: lapfuwong Offence: Choke Threat / Death Threat Evidence: http://prntscr.com/ai81f9
Gender Change? xd
Yeah, you were bragging on about it for a few day's also, and even before that, you were being rude. Good luck anyway mate.
I don't need proof for this kind of situation, you apply for peoples' opinions, right?
Yeah, start a conversation with @Pile_of_Butts, and ask her to change your name to whatever you want.
I was never mad, I just came on to that server TO get banned.
o your Censor
Do I know you, idfk.
Erm, I've been here for a while now, but I have still no idea on how to get Trophy Points.. ;-;
No Support.