Good luck!
Eww... School is going to start in a few days... ;-;
MoonMadeOfSnow <--Too long? PixelatedSnow <-- Second option. As you can probably tell i am very bad at naming! >_<
Nice Tut, will be helpful for new players! Great Guide!
Congratz! I don't know how long it will take me to get to this amount... But I'm holding on!
Ohh, nice to meet you! Hope you get unbanned soon!
Yahhh! Mineverse Prison! How about you?
You are most welcome!
Thank you for the follow! This means a lot to me!
I made it myself using my own paid programs... i could try to make you one! ^-^
<3 prison! #fixprisonlag... Thank you Cyp & cute dogs! <3
I made my own profile picture, it's looking good <3!
Welcome To The Mineverse Forums! I hope you enjoy it here and i hope to see you in-game... im normally on prison, so see you soon!
Congratz to you!
Oh :O i just realised i am an Active Member... Yay!
What happens if you already have purchase an optifine cape, and would like theses ones, would that mean paying again?
;o... hmmm revenge it is... >:(
I am now officially married to lag... <3
Ur PROfile picture is nice as well.. <3