Lol im the very opposite xD
I want to name change and my next name change is in 7days! My previous igns are: moneydew9, ItzCritiqs, Hyp3rNov4 and right now it is Uprisinq....
Mine is @Lapis(Lapis_Firestar) !
Hehe nice!
Photo of the roof of your house? xD looks similar to mine!
Snazzy profile pic! <3 #Pizza4Lyfe!
Wooo!! Congratz ;)
Late congratulations on becoming mod!
You too, i play prison, how about you?
:O That is awesome!!
Thank you so much... i hope you achieve yours goals!
Yes!!! I am now a college captain for my school, i also recieved my badge!!!!
Thank you aswell! <3
Pew Pew!!
Do you?
Thank you so much!
IGN: Uprisinq but probably changing back to Hyp3rNov4, or Zhun (Alt) Nickname (In-game or real life): Hyp ( Rl Name: unknown?) Age:14 Pack...