I don't know if it is still bannable but it is there and it was a warp a week ago.
Your ingame name:darkshadow5678 The offender's ingame name:101Sara101 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Deathwarp trap...
Snails are Uber awesome and Pass the time because People put them Over their shoe and Run with them Till the person stops
Wut u looking at?! STALKER!
Owner me Co owner me I'm so sexy Mod yes I am Head guard me Gurd me I'm boootifuuul:jim:
Hello every1 :D
I think I have 110 and rest from auction so that took awhile.:wacky:
I just hit 1k in Archer pvp but was I the first? I think I am unless some1 got it waaay before me and im over reaction :p has any1 got before me I...
Took me a year to beat 12 (with breaks) to bad this guide wasn't out when I had troubles
Suuuppporttt Brother!
Looks great! Support!
it's still the persons fault if they allow a noob go on there island and grief it