Re shurpurt and bumb:rolleyes:
2/10? :(
50 I win
If that is true I re consider the no support might wanna get more protection on your computer though:rolleyes:
Why doesn't he get re promoted then? Makes sense right? Lol
In my opinion mods shouldn't be re promoted. If they make1 mistake that's fine If 2 eh But if 3 you shouldn't be repromoted. I don't know why you...
Titans pay 250 dollars they should not get like 3 slots 27 is good I really want pvs. If you have a rare item you wanna store put it in a pv or if...
Gray is a color
I C mods!
Seems too open is it just me? Maybe a building in those plain areas? No support for now just seems open..
Without strength fights would be 10 minutes
Hi meant bump..
And also did you read the app? It's just skyblock. So he won't be on any other server and more info? You should read the app first
I thinks he's not being promoted.
@melgrath I don't have any other evedence . Close this report