It is true dat mods ruin my day :-: 2
Support even though I have never seen you in game you seem decent good luck
I remember parkour only 4 lvls (In January until (?) )
Uncle urnesto to you have a hatred on me lol I feel ya but idc and tad 7/10
8/10 the 1/10 was a mistake :3
Port sup wait other way around :3
50 I win
Your ingame name:darkshadow5678 The offender's ingame name: lifePlusDeath A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:Advertising...
Congrats brother ! That's amazing!
Wait you're mod yet? Oh I'll come back later.
Yes not just maps I want Yes I just don't want map lists I want a command that shows the order ; rotation
Does it show the order?
True but in a game don't you wanna see you what map is after the one that is next?
Ze bump
Ok this idea is that in Infection you can do /rot /rotation that would show the map that is next! :) I don't know what this would be bad and...
Oh my Gawd