Bb you didn't tell me bout dis support :jim:
9+10= 21 - 19 is 2, 2+1 = 3, 3 sides in triangle, 1 Eye in the middle, 666 Is satan. 3 Sides + 1 Eye = Illuminati. Banana = Illuminati. And 69 is...
nana plz I made ur heads firwrks
Oh wait, there's more ;)[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Disposal of heads? At the same time: FIREWORKS !
And also I know my computer sucks lol.
RIP :L; Made by cimap. Just for the lols on single player. Me as the executioner and I couldn't record a vid :eek: so deal with the screenshots...
Your ingame name: darkshadow5678 The offender's ingame name: _Crispy_Cream_ A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking,...
I'm actually scared of zLego
Y no one cr bout ._|\______________________, ../ `–||||||||———————–] _==o ____________________| …),—.(_(__) / ..// (\) ),——’ .//___// /—- :(
Gave ya your first cookie :0
Oh yea the Colin xD
Ign: darkshadow5678 1-10 pvp skills?: I'd say 8 Use p4 only?: To get money I use my regular Titan kit and for serious battles my good set (which...
/suicide don't work anymore bb you don't have to put no egg spams or how spams now :3 Support just remove toss signs now
Gl getting mud (you may get it eventually at least xD) :3
Support seems legit app took you so long to make this app doe. merkz get dis man mod #getdisdudemod
Is D.E.D dead now?