Nationality is what you were born in. It's not like %50 British and %50 American. But I'm American
Your ingame name: darkshadow5678 The offender's ingame name: Zack_attack35 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Auction...
Accepted as recruit. Have fun! Also, be on as soon as possible so I can invite you
Your ingame name:darkshadow5678 The offender's ingame name: srgmicheal A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking...
Accepted as recruit! Have Fun! be online as soon as possible so I can invite you! :D
Banana would never tell me. It got leaked to me by a player on skyblock.
No problem!
Accepted as recruit.
No problem! We can help you whenever we can!
Accepted as recruit. We will determine when you can officially join because we need evidence. Please show a screenshot of your currency and kills...
You are accepted by bananaman11223. You are invited as a recruit. Please choose your weapon and have the requirements by next week. Note that you...
I look forward to being Co Leader of the "Bananaz" gang. Feel free to ask me questions! I would be glad to help. -Dark
I was mod for 4 days. More than you. :)
Congrats nana on global. FIRST
It's probs gonna release it tonight or tomorrow is my guess .
Cops are probably going to be mods with op kits lol