Ohmergherd #42kHYPE
No support - Use template - Add more info - Take more time on your application - Havent seen you around, Be more active!
Support From Me :D Good Luck!
Thx Everyone :) Havent been on recenty cuz of no wifi at home but im here for a while now :D Happy Birthday @Imperturbable_
they could just /tp to the coords i would give
Thanks But i hardly think i trust a non mod with my coords and also anyone with fly hax would not merrilly allow me to record them as they know i...
hello i lost my /home home when i /sethome raid and imnotsure why as and i really need a mod to tp me back to the coords of my base thank u
Hello Can u message me i need a hand or log into mv facs
Why Hello There :D I've Been Playing Mineverse For A While Now (I'm Not Sure Exactly How Long) And Only After Donating Did I Join The Forums. So...
Bleach Is An Anime xD A Good One Too
yea support i believe all the above 15k youtubers should get the rank.
Hmm Understandable Everyone Abuse Is To Be Stopped. Mod Please Close.
Hello Mods And Humans Around The World I Am Here To Say... Please Bring /Nickname! To All The Servers.
Support! Amazingly well said and straight to the point :D
No support. Use the template and be much friendlier.
i have not seen you but your application shows true potential and friendliness. Support!
No Support. I Have not seen you ingame and/or on the forums but if you were more active i would probs give support.
Support However they would have to add some sort of protection for the names of the secret mods