[ATTACH] URL: https://www.dubtrack.fm/join/music-speaks Welcome to the thread of @Rodeenie and I's Dubtrack, yes, another one. To those of you...
Pretty sure you guys know the drill If not, just comment for a TBH :} In the meantime, enjoy a leopard. [IMG]
This is the food game. Pretty simple, just take the person's food choice above you and make a new food that starts with the last letter of their...
Fun little thing, because last time we did this some other people wanted to come ;) It's gonna be at 9:20 EST. (Basically Half an Hour from Now)...
Their IGN: ash_thegreatest My IGN: Exstatisfy Rule broken: Hacking Evidence: [MEDIA]
Their IGN: SuperSoccerCreep My IGN: Exstatisfy Rule Broken: Having Shop Items in the Spawn Evidence: (They were using TNT as well but I didn't get...
Their IGN: tabortot123 My IGN: Exstatisfy Rule Broken: Hacking Evidence [MEDIA]
This is an OLD story that my fifth grade self wrote, and I'm not sure why but I find it so funny and amusing :hilarious: So I figured I would...
Pretty sure everyone knows what to do (If not, comment below for a TBH :lol:)
Leoparrd's Creative Build :p Hello everyone! So as the title says, I have a build on creative that I spent some time on but now i'm sorta at a...
Their IGN: noahkuperus My IGN: Leoparrd Rule Broken: Hacking Evidence: [MEDIA]
Their IGN: TIA710 My IGN: Leoparrd Rule Broke: Hacking Evidence: [MEDIA]
Bandana Squad! Try and guess who is who in this photo out of @Rodeen @Moooose and me ;p Also if you would like to be in the Bandana Squad let...
1. My IGN: Leoparrd 2. Their IGN: _MEGA_COOKIE_ 3. Rule broken: Threating, hacking, etc. 4. Evidence:[ATTACH]
1. My IGN: Leoparrd 2. Their IGNs: ItsPolarBearGirl and CinderTheFox 3. Rule Broken: Profanity, harassment. 4. Evidence: [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
IGN: Leoparrd 2. Their IGN(s): BluexClouds, illUsi0nz, and bluee1 3. Rule broken: Profanity, harassment, ect. UPDATE: Hacking threats. Evidence...
1. My IGN: Leoparrd 2, Their IGN: bumshuffler 3. Rule Broken: Disrespect, profanity, ect 4. Evidence: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
First, sorry in advance if I am not posting this in the correct place! :grum: But, I have been getting an error when logging onto creative for...
1. My IGN: Leoparrd 2. Their's: Armindam 3. Rule broken: Hacking 4. Evidence. [MEDIA]
My IGN: Leoparrd Their's: IMiray Rule Broken: Hacking Evidence: VERY START! [MEDIA]