Even though I don't know you I hope your grades go up in school. I will be sad to see a player go and I hope you come back soon.
Look, I don't get scammed. It's other people and they don't know that or even if you record, you don't get your stuff back. We need a Mod just to...
I don't like to record everytime I go to someones plot...
True but he will say go to my plot for DP and your teleported to a hole with Anvils. Unless you have some quick fingers those anvils are gonna be...
If you combine all the amount of days he should be banned for scamming its like 2-3 years maybe more.
100% Agreed. Also he's banned for 3 days!!! Yes! Finnally OMG
I seriously might make a mod app and just watch pure in all my free time and just catch him and ban him.
@Secured_MC has recorded Pure_Champion like twice and they both have been rejected.
I just wanted to say that OPPrison is becoming less and less fun. I met some very nice people when it began who are still my friends but there are...
I have this problem, Just simply close Minecraft and go back in then go into Mineverse if this doesn't work then I don't really know because it...
Thank You! I look forward to seeing you. I play OPPrison for about 4 Hours on Weekdays and 6-8 hours on Weekends.
Banned for making sense
No Support Grammar Mistakes Lack of detail Doesn't meet requirements Below 50 posts. Sorry but until you add some of the things I have suggested...
Thanks Everyone I hope to see you guys in game and maybe become friends.
Support, I agree completely I understand the struggles of being a OPPrison player and having to do /warp every time your inventory is full. For...
Hope to see you guys in game soon!
Support, Lots of detail. If anything maybe try and become a little more active. -Brandon
I've been playing Mineverse for 1 month roughly. I thought I would quit after a few days but the community is wonderful. I've met so many friends...
Okay, Thanks. I hope he does add signs.