Hold on. Damn
Sorry transferred money to a dif thing lmao.
No need for factions reset... It just got reset not long ago, and opfactions has only been up for a little more then 6 months.
It's not fair to just reset the server for people who worked hard and long for their stuff.Its annoying to have to restart, concluding factions...
"You'll probably dislike/disagree with this"
The only game mode that is useful to resetting is kitpvp...nothing wrong with others..
Chilo, please explain why the hell you disagreed with my post? I'm pretty sure people have worked hard for their things and that the game modes...
No, it will probably piss off a bunch.
Just reset kitpvp lmao, don't ruin the whole server smh.
The majority of the people have worked hard for their things :)
No support, everyone has worked hard for their shet on game modes and it's not fair to just reset the whole thing just because game modes are...
My cat got ran over by a reindeer ._. It was tragic.