I hit a reindeer with my car, surry
So I'm guessing you like minestrike? xD
Or they quit because they grew up, got over minecraft or just didn't want to play anymore. There was a time period when I'd play it 24/7 then I...
Only thing that needs to be capped is fking unarmed, and then it's called OP factions for a reason.
Iaff her humor is shet along with her comebacks.
Get on creative and tp me to spawn please. ihackmineverse made it where I crash when I go on.
Hihi, you're a qt
https://gyazo.com/46824fedba11be477409c2a3bd8e1be6 lmao.
Support nerd? You're nice and stoof.
Your ingame name: Lubricatez The offender's exact ingame name: iNerdx A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Profanity/...
So why deny my appeal, explain.
laf me now
https://gyazo.com/873341557d86384163bda30d151093e6 Just incase this kid tries to report me. :D
Canucksfan44 is not following youU ;-; rip
Emo thrift shop squad
Oh look, mini mod became actual mod. xD