Hi, my name is Nick, but most people call me word....
word7032 JACKBOMB007 Using /pet sheep sheep and hiding inside, meaning nobody can hit them. Evidence is below.
Playing infection if u want to chat with me go on there. :)
Bump and support. GL
Support, looks good and has detail, I can see people playing on it. GL
I'm just starting work on something big. I can't give away to many hints but it should be very good! I'll keep yah posted
IGN: word7032 Name of offender: truemoooooo Rule they broke: spam advertising and threatening to hack me. Evidence: Below
Hoping that a new rank will be made: Builder . It would be wonderful to have an actual Builder rank..
Name: Apocalypse Maker/s: word7032 Description: A ruined town, hit by an zombie apocalypse with a hellish backdrop and large hills/mountains...
Support, would be nice to have an official build section, make it easier for beginners to post creations. Maybe think about what would happen if...
I know that @Mylad was a P7 but even so, if there is no evidence then not much can be done. Sorry :(
I don't really trust anyone. One must create the illusion of trust so one can get dirty snippets of information on others. Not to let you guys...
Thank you for your comment, I am currently working on a Castle Surge map in singleplayer, so I can fully use world edit without limits. I will...
So, as I was wondering around, playing minigames and helping players, I noticed that the Minigames lobby was a bit.. well empty. And at that...
Just made a new Minigames lobby! Hope you like it..
Ign: word7032 Prestige: 10 Level: 330 Prefered rank: I dont really care. Just 2 let u know, im one of the 5 highest ranked infection players. Meh
Just about support... I can forgive you for your past... just. gl
word7032 _Aiden_ Advertising a server, when asked to stop they didn't Evidence:
Support. I know you from Op prison and you seen to know your stuff. Good Luck