Um... I don't know what to put... its a great app but... um... yeah...how do I put this... add detail.
No support, please find the correct Mod app layout here.
Thanks for replying, will edit.
It may be that we are in different time zones but I am very active. Ask any of my friends. And thanks for replying.
Support for removing pet riders. Without riders, none of this would have happened. Nobody want's all pets banned, so just get rid of the problem,...
Anything I can do to get your full support?
Not really, just keep working hard ingame.
word7032 liamb74 Spamming players and advertising a server Evidence: Below[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Support mate, I know you would be good :happy:
Support & gl ;)
Flare its been a while...
More support than hate so gl
Thanks and gratz on mod! <3
Thanks <3