Yep, that map is great. I would love to explore it and can't wait to start playing on it. #Mineversemapswag
@Javiasor if your making infection maps you wan't some help or not? I did offer before this post. And look at 3yerrt's infection spawn and try and...
Thank you for your feedback, I will try and add more tribal items but unfortunately I can't do much with the hills. They are as thin as I can make...
Thanks for all the support, Mookiezzx there is a dead bush for you, I just hid it away out of the sun and rain and the wind and other peoples...
Qori01 minecraftere word7032 Spamming non-stop and not stopping. Evidence is below[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
@Alexa @3yerrt @CypriotMerks (yes I know its probably disabled but hey) @Yin
In creative, a new fad is going around. Its basically where players do /minecraft:whisper @a <message> and It comes out as word7032 whispers to...
Just saying: Pandarr was very nice to me ingame and gave me plenty of support and advise. Just saying...
Support. But what would you call a builder AND a mod? A Muilder? I have no clue.
Do you view other players maps in creative? Just wondering...
Going to be Neutral for now For: Good app Active Against: Add more detail as to why you want to be a moderator. Anyway, still GL ;)
That's fine, TADS and a few others have made Wild West maps, which was my original name, so I had to change it to Western. As for the theme, many...
Thanks! I might do but I will try and expand it in creative.
Will try and add another. Not sure were to put it tho... Thanks for the support!
Map name: Western Information: A Western themed map, with high mountains all around, waterfalls, a small village, mines and adventure! There is a...
@Javiasor should be top as he is the official builder. There are many unidentified masters of building in creative that are never listed or...
You can do it in most of the other pvp servers. Players who did it on there have not been reported or told it is illegal. But thanks anyway. Will...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] All these images where take outside of the Archer Games arena. You can find them.
Thank you everyone for the support!
Lets make it 1000 reply's shall we?