1. Your in game name: killervectork10_ 2. The Offender's in game name: specialone321 3. Reason: Anti KB 4. Evidence [MEDIA]
wats tree fiddy
can u be my friend
ur mom HEHEHEHHE jk... i have no friends
i hack
._. I can literally make another Proving I dont hack on mineverse kitpvp right now
my bb is hacks
Sorry :D
Heloo I just released the second video of Mineverse KitPvP #2 I hope you guys enjoy it here it is :) [media]
1. Your in game name: killervectork10_ 2. The Offender's in game name: Gorgox123 3. Reason: Kill Aura & Anti KB 4. Evidence [media]
Mk I'll be glad to fight u too boi :D thursday
But I'm boss at that basic skill and apparently u don't know who I am
Haha it would be cool If I was the most disliked on the forums
Then what's the point of PvP??
I'll take u on boi... Thursday
I'll 1v1 you guys on Thursday I got homework :p
And most of this server isn't that good so don't think you can do better then me I'll be glad to take u nubs on 1v1 me OpPvP or KitPvP I'll record :)
Lol people think it proves nothing.... IT PROVES MY SKILL