Umm, This is Complicated but, Cant we just make the Mini Games on another item?!? its like 10 of them and can't fit on the "Right click your... Whats the meaning of TF, AG and etc etc... AND WTH ARE THESE FOR?
I just Made a Updated Thread of Hacks vs Glitches Original is made by: Buntobaga Hacks are Simply Illegal, Making Unfair Advantage on Players:...
How did Noobcrew/CypriotMerks Get to make The Enderdragon, DUDE its soo Detailed, :O If they downloaded the map, I'd be Sad coz i tut Cyp Built it xD
in IV theres a problem: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Yew cant go anywhere, Someone mined it.
Think who has the Original names, No flame war please, It is our own Opinion. Mine is: Unidentified No rlly my name is rlly Unidentified xD!...
Im not shure but Will i get my lvls back in Infection, My TITAN rank is back and my username is Unidentified BUT Please, I need my P6 back :( In...
Hello CypriotMerks' or Noobcrew, I would want to apply for Forum Moderator If I...
[ATTACH] GC Meaning Greifing Corporation And Vipr Meaning Very Irresponsible People Republic We are One of the strongest Team's ON survival......
This is now a problem, please everyone don't make more and more Threads about it, it's ruining the Important stuff, and you will need to go to 1+...
Please add /baltop :( i really want to know who is Highest Balance on Survival, Not a Big Deal but Please CyoriotMerks.