I have been in the closet for awhile and i have been thinking about coming out. ever since i was a boy i always wanted a hotdog over a hamburger...
Hello i am silencer and my real name is corey. sometimes i like to identify as a sexual helicopter but thats besides the point. i been on the...
People say that image was fake which is a lie this is a another screenshot i took....
Trix i am blocking you i gotta block out all the haters
Haters say the pic is fake @Xethorias
here is the evidence i forgot to include them into the forum post...
So with all the support i would like to say this forum opinions are worse than the one on reddit ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
so that is a yes momedy
your nan momedy
So is there a plug in?
momedy where is your evidence. This is my dad http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2014/9/16/1410875230303/Markus-Persson-014.jpg
Hey i was playing on the server and a weird glitch happened. i was mining at around level 19 and i heard i noise. I turn around and ssaw...
Man where is your evidence. my dad works at mojang he has all the logs
I want mod. I have spent 3000 hrs on the server