lmao, ez
Hey thats pretty good... :D
When will OP Facs be up? Many mods said yesterday, many said today, I dont know what to believe.
Ill be triggered af if they don't do it by midnight...
I had the same kind of situation, I especially reserved time...
Fair enough, so um... is op facs gonna come out any time soon or have the mods been making up sh*t? :)
Well, I would prefer no axes cap, but a cap on unarmed at like 1k or something.
Ban for being a hybrid <3
Okay, I came back to MV cause I heard OP Facs was gonna be back that day, okay no, it didn't happen, they say it will definitely happen today, but...
This question is directed towards anyone who has had any information prior to the upcoming release of OP Factions, which is supposedly set to be...
I don't even know -_-
Well, yesterday I came back to Mineverse to perhaps play some OP Factions but it hasn't been reset yet. I thought it was happening soon....
It is saddening, and its just gonna get worse unless cyp and noob do what the players say
Its going fine nitro, stay on topic.
Megacookie, something like that isn't worth my time.
Its not at all similar to mineplex, they have bomb lobbers, this is far more complex.
So were going to filter the word gay because some id*ots are offended by it, it would honestly be more degrading for gay people to see that word...