Okay :) I didn't know because sometimes mods get mad when people do that :)
I think only the creator of the thread can request to lock
Do you need the thread closed now then?
Your App is a BIT unorganized. Besides that point, You are really nice and definitely could become mod. Make it organized and you have my full...
Sup Iron Man ;)
/ignore <ign>
I love this game weeeee NEED it support!!!!!! I love this game!!!!!
Support (I don't know if I did this already..)
Hi! The forums community is great! I hope you enjoy!
I always say “morning” instead of “good morning”. If it were a good morning I’d still be in bed instead of talking to people.
Okay. It is a really fun and big game that would be a great addition to the server :) I'm not telling about it right now though. Check it out in...
WHY have I never seen you in infection!!
Should I post a suggestion thread talking about Minestrike and suggesting it or not. It is SUPER fun :I I wanted to post here first to see if it...
Mine is Up. Don't Judge ;)
^I think so
IK you have one ;)
Such a great idea!!
BTW everyone my new IGN is "bwol" It is simpler and I like it that way. I need everyone to know that 'bwol' is really just bwolnbonkcd :)