"Ares is being added soon" Said Cyp.... 4 months ago.
oh, and now your brother comes along, the evil one.
Only one command fixes this: /region flag <Region> mob- spawning deny
Don't be dumb MrPronounce, this problem needs to be fixed even though most people are able to deal with the mobs. People may want to go afk at...
found your cousin
Are you really 15? 0.o
Lol what? A new UHC server will be created temp. apparently.
Me and @Elric will play :)
Most faction servers have borders of 10-20k, a faction server with a 500k world border isn't a proper factions server.
I remember that I was such a noob, I didn't even know how to join an SG game, but I think I played it a few times.
Apparently food will be going into much higher demand in the year 2070, the year I am 69 years old, lmao.
Who remembers when the mineverse hub spawn was on an ice flat?
are you japanese?
App needs a lot of work, plus I don't think you would suit mod sorry.
Lol, quite ironic tho.
Nothing he can really do, a staff member with access to pex has to give his rank back.
Noobcrew comes on the forums with his magical blue pickaxe to come fix things! YAY