Well in pvp you always /heal your buddies which is extremely annoying and dickish. Second you are twelve.
I don't really like it.
And the last time I played on a 1.7 server, I was banned for 'hacks' which was completely stupid. It's surprising how good I am at pvp now.
But 1.8 eww.
Who would want to pvp on mineverse? eww.
If you want hcf go to kohi, if you want factions go to gontroller, if you want mini games go to mineplex, if you want rabbits go outside.
Are you acting dumb on purpose?
They are not the best lmao. Get an astro.
Its called the razer kraken nub xD
How old are you?
Correction - The latency is unbearable
Jesus, do you not know what pot pvp is?
Er, I'm in music, and the teacher isn't here xD.
Support. Ik her in real life, and she is a very nice girl c:
There is no difference.
Minecraft accounts aren't worth very much. I have over 200+ accounts that I have 100% ownership to.
My personal opinion is that kitpvp shouldn't have potions. I suggest there be a PotPvp server, where there is a FFA, and a /duel system with...
-1 mod on mineverse. rip