Someone has hacked my account and has for some time (hasn't hacked my forum account - yet), and I've been told that someone's been giving details...
U forgot!!! No anti autoclicking plugins, unraidable bases on factions (bases in end can't be cannoned). Btw Mr.Noobcrew, END is ONLY enabled IF...
Pros: 1. Good connection/ddos protection 2. Variety of gamemodes 3. Some servers with decent builds Cons: 1. Lots of problems with world guard and...
I've never lost a spleef game, not kidding.
Having fun at school?
I would take a life if it made hacks non-existent.
Lets just say that it's not enough evidence. I've personally 1v1ed him on other servers before and he is 100% legitimate.
You can't... If you set your auto clicker so you get 10-18 clicks per second, it is about the same rate as jitter clicking. And jitter clicking is...
You can't record people for auto clicker, so this would be invalid. You cannot tell if he is auto clicking or not.
Its not fricken hacks kids. He just got a good combo on you.
Support, when you were mod, you were the only mod who actively banned players in the reports section.
Er, so I changed my IGN to Cyruh_, and I was wondering how I can change this. Only problem is; it has 'ruh' in it, which is the start of an...
Gratz, I still remember when you sent me that link on teamspeak tho.
My rabbit is sexier.
King rabbit is here.
The name I want to change it to is blocked because it abuses the name policy. My IGN is "Cyruh"...
Im not going to say good luck, because you would be a terrible moderator.
Average - 350 Good day - 300 Kids still call me a pinger when I beat them.