Though I don't know who you are (probably because I never played infected), welcome back !
CypriotMerks was last seen: Feb 10, 2018 You haven't been on for 3 months... nice
IGN: Flowerful Number: 100
I joined it and i was the only one on....
hi amli im still kezin
I guess thanks.
im back u freaking nerds Not really, probably only going to play on this server to get clips for my youtube, so you'll never see me. It's like...
good enough, ig
teach me how to pvp
first legendary
of course when i leave the server gets more popular they all scared of the god sumo master i have beaten demolishing once.... probs by luck...
never been prouder of myself in my life
ayy lemme get in this im g0d at sumo
seems the server is comin' back. soooooooooooooooooooooo me come back
More like forty. Still thinking on whether or not I should come back.
Support. Also, great job on NCL. :)
Mineverse has been going down ever since the pvp community overran it. (Late 2013) I'm a PvPer myself, but man, this server became ill.