This is very unlikely. Especially 1.7 to 1.13. You're better off with 1.7 to 1.8... Though, this could also be a HUGE mistake. Yes, it might be...
tired of seeing these threads. I barely believe any staff member on here will follow this, anyway. No offense, but they for some reason dislike...
will do once i can play on computer (which is probably tomorrow)
cya :) we still need that rematch nodebuff man
most likely
cya ~
nwyuC ?woh nuf si sihT
p c e
will hop on to see the new op pvp but if its still basically the same never joining this server again was fun while it lasted (for real last...
how did i double post wtf
s u p p o r t
from 3 - 6, makes sense f i v e
high iq
The main issue is that hypixel became bigger. Not even joking, I'm pretty sure most of the old mineverse players either quit or went to hypixel...
the real question is why they named their team otf in the first place. pretty sure that was a practice team called "Only The Family" and now its...
big dragon
175 smh
well i dont know i dont play the server. i play potpvp xd
40 people is alot for this server now lol.. anyone else remember when it got 2k players
if 1.8 is compatible then support (which it probably will) but atm neutral