Okay, peace.
Who are you, I don't like repeating my questions.
Who are you ;)
I'm back in 6 days folks!
ChiChay, mind private messaging me on forums cause you ain't replying to me on skype..
No support.
Why are you on Mineverse, ain't you busy handling your own server?
Yeah, she cheated on me.
Thanks for your server even though I never liked you as a moderator.. Peace! <3 - AmericanPost.
I'mma kms.
ripp o.o xD
@Nanurz Apparently havin' this name is bannable? ( My profile name )
How's it bannable?
AmericanPost -> Oвlινιoɴ <3
;-; wow
ur smart my dood.
OMG MOM, SMILEY LIKED MY POST.. GET THE CAMERA!!! ( sorry for the caps <3 )