Support ;)
do i have to apply .-.
Take your time. ;)
Whatever, I'm here to apply for a clan, not to argue.. Jubba, trust me if you want to. If you do, I won't let you down this time. People deserve...
That was cause 2 of your old clan members kept killing me when I tped them in a fight for help.
10 seconds to message me on skype if you don't I'm gonna walk in to your room and slap you so hard, I swear..
In Game Name: Mqrcy ( OLD IGN'S : AmericanPost, DemStrafeZ ) Maturity (1-10):8 Do you have TeamSpeak/Skype: Skype, could download teamspeak....
A dragon with the text `Oblivion' ;-;
I'm back, ;>
Nothin' m8
Small story, you're bad. The End.
I never liked you.
Sup m8.
Mike, we know you don't hack. Stop making these threads just to grab attention Also, private message me on skype I need to speak to you ;)