Just stating my thinking here.But Im not sure wether to support it or not. By Adding more vote sites,We can make Mineverse more well known...
Support!!!!!!! And also ask Noobcrew to increase the claim blocks limit to 7500
Support.Coz idk when my friends will be online to troll them in /v
The NoobCrew :t:
Just ignore them.They're just being sore losers in pvp.However if you do hack then you will recieve your punishment one day.
Lava flow is used to Negate /jump by donators or it just simply takes a very long time to get in the base.I see why not a default's base which...
Why is this in the suggestions section anyways?
I support this mod app.You are active in-game too. Wish you best of luck to you :)
Nether should not be disabled.Duping happened because Rails were not placed onto the overworld on the first place. If nether was disabled.What...
But if you look at Obssessedtoplay's POV the only disadvantage is what he meant was that the mods could ban an innocent player or the mods could...
The mods are chosen for their responsibility and Honesty.So they must be honest.They will say that they are the ones who banned the hackers/mute...
But some players don't have recording softwares and they prob don't have a forum account and Dk how to get one
Ok for most of the day today I will be guarding on Opfactions.But idk where the spawner room is tho
Heads up to everyone who thought that Exodus donor ranks are a must to buy. NO They are optional ranks,just like the server's Donor rank system....
I thought there was a thread similar to this one?
You have been accepted into the Clan/Team!Welcome to Exodus as Citizen! @Mookiezzx Did you even read the first 2 Posts? I have seen you in-Game...
I support your mod app.It is wonderful! Plus I have seen you in-game a couple of times.Wish you the best of luck on your mod app!
^Dat bump