LOL your evilness is starting to pay off!
I have half of what ducky hasT.T
@havoc3421 <---Ma First best Buddy for a year @Ares_Xena <---Cool guy @SuperHeroSean <---Huge jerk @Twix_PB <---Cool Girl @Imperial_Mint <---My...
AGAIN another bullying/harrasment Problem.The server these days are covered with jerks. Ppl have been constantly starting a new conversation to me...
43% support.The thing is too small.Players will most likely fall to their deaths as they cant see where they are going when players are constantly...
Derpduhderp has a billion :P
And this was one of the reasons why EULA was made.
I has 59million on Survival. Imagine if this was to be added...BOOM INSTA TITAN!
<-----Stare into my profile picture and thats my answer........ Support XD
Support Agree.Idk wtf is Ethical XD
Your exactly not :P
The Code is For future Event. The Redstone Event Im planning
1.Yes you did.Afterwords u still call ur Town Krypsis X :P. P.S.You're being too racist towards asians so stfu. P.S.S. You live in it and your...
Ummmmm...this is off topic XD
Let's just say Auto outbids is still the best choice here :P
I'm a knight from a long and distant land.Used to hunt down EnderDragons before our kingdom fell to darkness.I used to protect the gods.But sadly...
the time has finally come for some moderator to tell the admins abt this abt an bug in the plugin that may cause major lag causing the gamemode to...
I'm ur friend :(.Most of NASA is mean. And when I ignore u its coz I was busy. You should take a break from opfactions. Most of these ppl are...
Thats more like it now if u die I die.If I die u die.