Ducky don't even
This is resolved @Yin . Close and archive
I'm pretty sure money reset and email [email protected] with proof buy a clear inventory & a tp to spawn their free
I'm in 10th grade English I know how to spell...
Email [email protected]
It's spelled correctly
I didn't know you that much but I may leave for the same reasons your leaving for
Undo ur rating
Can anyone get me god for 2t on opprison 700$ on kitpvp 75k on prison and other stuff
@Lola Perez
basicly it's hard to pvp because of this and alot of players are quitting
Its possible but takes time
Your ingame name: FuShIoNxMC The offender's ingame name: Robisgreat10 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Advertising a...
My ingame name: FuShIoNXMC Player being reported name: Robisgreat10 Reason: Advertising Evidence?
I'm perfect, Gimme all your moneys