Much emotional cried so much, nice to get to know you again :-;
Oh, and don't forget to spell each word like "H33o 1 n33d my GT@ fix3d"
Sounds like you're having a rough day. Have a cookie.
That's when you cut your losses and remove the new one ;/
Tbh, get rid of old and tweek new to comfort the old players. That way we could expand on that one server instead of having split kitpvp players.
Just log off, nobody wants there account gone forever it's memory you might want to return to later in life.
Remember me?
The server has grown so much since I was last on. :3
Well, first off there reseting sb so doesnt matter
It's not org
Age: 16 Ign: FuShIoNxMC I've been on kitpvp for about: 6 months Rank: supreme Ever been banned: yes for disrespect PvPSkills: 8/10 Pm me for my...
Imma join
Your not getting it back without proof
This kid scammed me 25$ irl
or go tryhard like meh and get 2t a day
Ill join
In the last day ive made 1.5trill it just takes time
@Yin @PandaBear__ @FadedChristi @quickflame
@Yin noobcrew said it was fixed lock & archive