Oh thanks :)
Hello! I am just wanting to know how to get a donor icon on the teamspeak server :) I don't know how to get one so I need some help plz?
Welcome to the forums! Enjoy it :)
Tad thank you for your work, effort and time for keeping mineverse smooth. If you are leaving thanks for being a great friend on infection. Don't...
Loved this map! Support ;)
I may have not seen you but that doesn't matter. Your application is solid, detailed, obviously has had lots of time put into and you seem to be...
Thank you guys for your support :) Much appreciated
Like everyone said above me it can be used in the offensive term (as in sexuality) or the other term (as in happy). But using it in an...
Thanks Guys for your support! Btw: The theme I suggested is very useful. It has a whole variety of options and adjustments to the theme with the...
Hey Torch :)
Thank you all for your support :)
Trust me if you look at the link to the Addon you'll understand.
I guess this works when people need to view it as this seems quicker! Support!
So basically a very well known server uses this add on for xenforo forums (won't say due to advertising): I've used this Addon once when helping...
Sorry no support: Not enough information Never seen you ingame Needs to follow the format Try to get Memeber or higher on forums so you know the...
That was one of the reasons I don't play infection. The maps are getting biting and need some new ones implemented in! Yea I support this! :)
Support all the way. Definitely a great Mod application and you seem capable to deliver all you said!
No support: Not seen you in-game (that can vary for time zones) New to forums (Try to get Member or Active Member) Basic Moderator application...
@Noobcrew please can u get my balance back :/