Google says 'Mailbox'
The creepy ghost skull one? That you've had forever.
I liked your old banner better
If you do, you should really cuddle up to him while he's vulnerable.
I'm kidding, do you actually still talk to him?
im sending this to kyle
Leaves will no longer decay on the creative server.
i like your woof
That's a reference from Monty Python. I believe Essentials broadcasts it with /grenade.
friends? not too familiar, to be honest.
If you look very, very closely at the name of the person who created this thread, you might notice that I'm not the one who fixed the parkour signs.
You mean you want them permanently fixed? Now that's just needy.
Mineverse is a network with many servers such as OP PvP, Factions, Kit PvP, etc. We need to know which of these servers this is happening on.
I appreciate you reporting the glitch, however we don't reimburse you for the tremendous effort you've put into reporting this glitch, don't you...
Your general knowledge exceeds 100% apparently, well done.
and matts: On 2016-06-17, at 7:06 PM, Matt wrote: > wow
because you really hurt my feelings
im telling cyp
and arent you a mod that isnt supposed to report things, but rather fix them herself?