I really got to know how people write like that...
huh never seen you in game before. You seem like a nice guy, support! :P
Much Color, Much hurt my eyes. Make colors more similar please...
But one thing is, i Never see you on Mineverse a lot now.
Good luck!
_rejectedsplash_ You have been a good friend of mine, so i support. but you might want to know the community better.
Maybe when your not a new member...
Then how can you explain that the arrows were not disappearing?
Does not change anything
Sand is OP
I totally agree with MaxNinja10.
My IGN: Nerdobob Offenders IGN: DiLLman1516 Hack by using spambow. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
There is also no Mods in my timezone (Im in china) So I totally support!
I am a fast typer so that if there is any situation that should be handled quickly, I can sort it out (ex. There's a guy dying of a hacker= I...
Much more detail
Your a Liar, your app said your 14 when your Profile said your 10
This means that it is your decision if we comment or not? (Imature) Add more detail. 1. your a new member, 2. Ever since you got to mineverse you...
This means that its your Decision to let us comment? (Add detail) And also your app said that your 11 then i checked your profile page and it said...
NEVER CHANGED IT. DUN DUN DUN.... (Fades to darkness)