Support. The spawn you made changes everything up, while retaining some of the old spawn's aesthetics.
These are pretty awesome.
I don't know much about 1.9 but from what I've heard it does not sound good. Support.
This suggestion is agreeable
No support, unless the map choices are randomized and not every map is available to vote for.
I rarely have trouble with lag. Maybe it's a local problem?
I appreciate your appreciation of @Pile_of_Butts' appreciation.
Thanks for the feedback! Might I ask why? Thanks! Thank you! Ty for the feedback! I typically just read forums and avoid getting too caught up...
I am the hero Gotham deserves.
I'm back! Family decided to stay at grandparents' house for a few days on the way home, but I'll be back to the server ASAP.
Sorry for not being on much guys, I'm on vacation. I'll be back by Thursday.
Support. Often I can't even start an auction because of people auctioning these items.
No support. I've seen you abusing glitches in spectator mode in Bedwars and I've heard people accuse you of hacking in PVP modes.
Support, spawnkilling really frustrates me. Thanks @Diggy
Thanks! Thank you!
Support on this one, except for the time limit. Mods are not immune to computer crashes, and people who have been banned should not be unbanned...
I'm neutral on this one. I just don't see why we need a reset, tbh