Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: The offender's exact ingame name: A description of...
just uploaded a new vid of him hacking [MEDIA]
video is uploded
go to doombro.horney on yt and u can find the vid
im trying to buy elite rank but it says i need to add a card but im paying with paypal and i dont have a car that can work to it plz help
its pretty ty but [MEDIA] its my first time recording something
okay :)
Plz ban lerkii ign is Man_Of_Skulls 2.timezone idk what that means sweden 4.i speak swedish 5.i have recording thing so i can record evidence of...
i applying for staff on mineverse cuz i like the server and i play on it alot all i see on there is hackers and i just wanna ban them and make...