-Taka -infectedowned12 why - swearing evidence. http://gyazo.com/7675233980a19047df2071c3e6be6d21...
My name - TakaMaHeShe His - patrick_hojen Why - He hacks Thanks :) Proof - [media] I was only hit one time, and if you look at the combat tags,...
Username - TakaMaHeShe Hackers - BringXOnTheH3at Why? - He hacks Evidence - [media]
http://www.mineverse.com/threads/nzl-takamaheshe-mod-application.26877/#post-261302 Idk how to take this down.. Find my mod app here ^ @VaMeSa123
My ign - TakaMaHeShe Hackers Ign - codester8, joshuasolomon Why should they be banned? They hack Evidence - [media]
My username - TakaMaHeShe Offenders names - Stephfanieey, G3XOI Why they should be banned - Hacking Evidence - [media]
What is your most Hated mob while playing Ultra Hard core? Mine would have to be the skeleton. :)
My ign - TakaMaHeShe Offenders - UndiJustMaker Evidence - [media] Why should he be banned - He Hacks.
1. Your Username: TakaMaHeShe 2. Offenders Username: ghostrider2799, Armypig44u, SicairosX, swiftkillersos, Jamesad1244 3. A description of what...
fisthundkat found hacking. I saw him using Kill aura, Anti-kb, and No slow. Here is video proof: [media] Thank you :)
William using No Slow Down. Video Proof: [media] Thank you :)
My friends were pvping around spawn then came across texas and they noticed she/he was hacking, so they teleported me to them and I hopefully...
Hello staff, yesterday I was pvping then came across 4 hackers, I cannot remember their names but they are in my video - Lucky I was recording...
People were saying I am a girl and often assume I am because of the "she" in my name.. Well, I am actually a male and my name TakaMaHeShe was so...
Hello Administrators. I found that overclaiming other faction land is not possible when your own faction has land, even if they have more land...
How old are you I am 16 and turning 17 in June. Your in-game name My in-game name is TakaMaHeShe. What timezone are you in GMT 13:00. What...
Ethannonnies and BillyVDP Said they hack on other servers not sure if its a ban for mineverse.? but they still hackers
I caught maikx2, Rlvinkarlsson and TNTMAN28 Hacking! [media] Ban them!!