I am going up north to visit my mum for about 2-6 weeks :brb: and I will only be online through minechat so I will see you guys soon, Merry...
Just want to know what your favourite movie is, I usually watch A movie before I go to bed and I have run out of interesting movies. My favourite...
Your ingame name: TakaMaHeShe The offender's ingame name: nudos321, bigbozgil, darkjman11, bigtnt603 A description of what rule they broke/how...
Don't pay attention to the subtitles <-- 2 hackers - NICKAVO and Artasin proof they hack - [media] Artasin - 25secs into the vid NICKAVO - At...
God and Titan are expensive ranks and I think they should recieve a new command - /near since Titan is more expensive they should get a max radius...
In Op factions Titans can do /heal which heals them, but the can also do /heal (Name) and heal others. This is very unfair for other players...
I was lazy yesterday and needed to go to sleep. Me - TakaMaHeShe Them - Dimentio18 and Vet_Mining. What they did - Hacks Proof - [media]
Vet_Mining - http://gyazo.com/6e5156924e943f9899c48890a3528dca Dimentio - I couldn't get a screen shot of him in game saying this but i got it in...
Vevos #1 viewed song as of November 2014 is Justin Beiber - Baby. This song has 1,112,492,568 (1.1 Billion) views and i said that number in the...
ThePokeerIV And ThePhantomIV Hacking Prooof: [media]
Hacker - Dontchallengeme Proof: [media]
Player Mazumdar11 is suppose to be banned. He hacked just yesterday....
3 more hackers on op factions - Challerodeli - Ps3_Tossic_GR - KIKA_K192 Proof - [media]
Ruby has anti kb, kill aura and auto logs when near death. Proof he hacks - [media]
A whole lot of hackers. some of it is on op pvp aswell. Proof: [media] all hackers are named in the video so it shouldn't be to hard to get the...
When I got on Op PvP I held tab to see the amount of players online, there was quite a few people on, but at the bottom of the the player list it...
-xxdavidxx1250 -Hacking Proof - [media]
His name - Booktadpole_58 My name - TakaMaHeShe He is hacking Proof: [media]
-TakaMaHeShe -_xXDarkVoidXx_ -Evidence- [media]
Hello administrators, I think it would be really cool to know your kill/death ratio It will give everyone more confidence and a reason to play...