Me: TakaMaHeShe Hacker: EyeCandy69 / CIASnipez EyeCandy Definitely hacks, please ban him. Proof: [MEDIA]
Hacker - MistahToggle Proof: [MEDIA]
I think that since mineverse is now 1.9 compatible, why not add a 1.9 server!? This could attract a lot of new players as 1.9 just came out a few...
Player JaimykePvP scammed me for 1k Here is proof: [MEDIA]
Kill/Death Ratios This would help players understand how much kills and deaths they have and will show their kill/death ratio. e.g 10 kills and 5...
Can we fix the healh plugin plz? ty [IMG] This also needs to be fixed on Kit PvP and any other mineverse servers that use this plugin.
Cheater#1: Hacker - MatixPvP Cheater#2: Auto Clicker - Clawifier Cheater#3: Auto Clicker/Hacker - Flqke Proof: [MEDIA]
Hi guys, when I play minecraft 3/4 of my screen turns white and I can not see what I am doing and who I am hitting. It's very hard to pvp because...
Ban evader: Vert_Is_Bad69 His main acc: JemJem99 You can tell that it's him because he instantly says "Yes cheetah" after we say that he is ban...
Hacker: slm9 Proof: [IMG] He was using anti kb and aura, I don't have time to record but it looked as if he didn't care about the consequences of...
Hacker: StringSurfer Proof: [MEDIA]
Hacker: Krakoo I point out when he toggles in the video you can see his connection @ 0:07 seconds, he isn't a pinger Proof: [MEDIA]
Hacker: _Strafez_ Screen shot of their ping: [IMG] JemJem Was banned for this but the mod is clearly friends with _Strafez_ and doesn't want to...
Hacker#1: JemJem99 Hacker#2: _Strafez_ Screen shot of their ping: [IMG] Proof: [MEDIA]
*HE WAS HACKING IN THE LOBBY NOT OP PVP* There was no prefix for the lobby. Hacker: jonni60 This guy was just flying around the lobby.. Proof:...
Cheater: levi192003 Proof: [MEDIA]
Hacker: ZombieZoc_ Proof of hacks: [MEDIA]
zFusions asked all the players to kill them self and called the server gay D: [IMG]
Okay so first of all, this guy lies constantly. I accused him of hacks and said "the reason behind my accusation is the fact that you have crap...