45% Support, you just didn't convince me.
1. My IGN is iAmTrippy 2. I am reporting ItzNilsPvP_YT 3. He death wished Quertiss 4. i have a screenshot oh btw its dutch and it means: Quertiss,...
1. My IGN is iAmTrippy 2. I am reporting zehaad 3. he was auctioning a glitched in item and glitched in items are bannable. 4. i have a...
1. My IGN is iAmTrippy 2. I'm reporting morectus 3. he was trying to kill me with lava but i escaped 4. i have a video [MEDIA]
Well, a friend of me bought me Elite and i was so happy cuz i could finally play with a better kit on infection but what happened? I was Elite...
1. My name is iAmTrippy 2. i'm reporting ezpzlmnsquiz 3. scamming 4. i have a video [MEDIA]
Since i didn't get my rank, or my 1 million back, i'm reporting him 1. My name is TrippyArmy 2. I'm reporting Changin 3. The reason is because he...
whoops it was misunderstood!
the first clip isnt that obvious but the second clip is because in the first clip he had wolves and it could've been the wolves (they were like 5...
1. TrippyArmy 2. I am reporting Monsterman6 3. he was hacking and now he denies that he hacks 4. [MEDIA]
This report is different and i didnt fake anything, sadly i forgot to record when These guys are still denying that they STOLE my stuff that was a...
@Exstatisfy 1. TrippyArmy 2. maninblack0804 3. He broke the rule of Harassment and Chat offenses, he bullied me by swearing and calling me bad...