Oh shoot why didn't you say something you animal
These kids who camp in rooms with cob webs and drop you are actually bad... not @ing anyone but stop ya
+supp :)
bruh i just wanna play pvp ;(
Long time mhm
I swear everyone gamemode on mineverse is filled with roof campers, bow spammers, and peasents @ yourself :/
I like to smoke Crack ;)
Holy MineVerse is ded but it's okay ig.
+Rep agree
Don't aboose ya kits kids
Well hello old friend ;)
-rep lolololololollololololo
Your ingame name: Zeliex_HD The offender's exact ingame name: DarkGamerYT A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking...
@Expoenent_ I didnt get a response?
I never got a response xD
Naw i aint salty im just rusty??? cuz apparently u dont know who i am
same thing xd reg gaps xd im so rusty my bad