No support, having an enderpearl cooldown would make it really hard to fight hackers
Theirs been an error or glitch whatever you want to call it on mineverse thats been screwing with spawner eggs. on skyblock its hard enough to...
if anyone will even think about doing this i can add money on almost any server just pm me which
support this would be a good way to start moderators off i know that a few mods have gotten off to a rough start cause people kept criticizing...
ya this application looks like it took 5 minutes, it needs allot of detail and improvement. It also doesn't look good if you mention you bought a...
ill add 5 million for coolest on op fac :>
maybe add bedrock to the vote chests like common and rare? also maybe put like 1 piece of bedrock in donators supreme and up
more than happened 5 min later
Your ingame name: super4321 The offender's ingame name: mind_trap A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: disrespect...
i mean i checked as i was writing this to see when u last were on it was almost a week ago :/
its a really nice application but in terms of op factions im one of the more active players on there and ive never seen you on. I would suggest...
Ive played on servers that use this plugin and its fun but mineverse has always just been more of a casual factions so idk if its best suited for...
im pretty sure they actually are real people but there a bunch of randoms who probably have never played mc so i personally wouldn't count them
Your ingame name:super4321 The offender's ingame name:legokingxl A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:being rude...
you better bring your phone from school and text me >:C
Also in addition with name changes currently in effect it would get even more confusing
i think this would be a fun command but i know it would be abused and even though it would be reportable i would rather mods be watching the...
i was gonna take that offer but when u added supernerdpvp as part of the deal i was out immediately (jk alex ily:D)