Since nether got enabled and people were able to get wither heads i thought it would be a good idea to add better picks to help making bases that...
Unless things get too out of hand theirs really no harm in the rps and dating booths and stuff. Tbh its kinda fun just going to these things and...
It would be nice if they added some rare blocks and spawners/spawn eggs to the vote crates such as soulsand and rare blocks that could help make...
Late Happy B day :)
You mod application is pretty good but i cant support your just not really active on forums, once you get active member ill support :)
-You should add a lot of traits that you have that would help you when moderating -Also try and be more active on forums Gl :)
just wondering how often are usernames even reported....
In my opinion the only names that need to be banned are ones that are racist and those that are changed just to insult another player. I know the...
my guess would have been @Ben Esberger and @LuckyGuy710 blew up tnt and crashed the world xD
Your ingame name: super4321 The offender's ingame name: awesomeman220 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: disrespect...
try spacing out your questions and adding way more detail also be more active on the forums
Take time when you write these applications -add color -way more detail -especially explain why you deserve mod Also you should get to know the...
a mod should probably close this @canucksfan44
Common people don't promote hate its not good for the server. If you've got a problem with a player talk to your friends in pm or on Skype don't...
nuuu i was just tagging ppl :P
they should really add back in the /island top
that rainbow beacon almost gave me a seizure xD
Ive seen ALOT of great skyblock island and i was just wonder what your guys top 10 or so island were. And i don't want this to become a fight...
Theres quite a bit you can do to improve this -add color -more detail Also i might just be blind but you should include your past history on the...
um do you have more screenshots this doesn't show the deal at all...