ya i agree if there gonna put a delay on /fix then they should atleast up the kits with like p10 unb5 or something so people can survive high axes
i think this can be annoying but tbh if people didnt run behind the red line they would probably just hug the spawn wall until they get hit in or...
1. Super4321 2. Santa_teresa 3. Hacking- Uh so this report doesnt exactly have good evidence. i cant prove that hes using a hacked client first of...
i mean there have been some people who actually change but most dont. And if they were really wanted to play on the server they wouldnt hack in...
i think he just means people that home on with full on hacks not trying to hide it all
honestly i dont think we really need this most hackuscations are to help warn players but f it ges out of hand theres always /ignore
Recently on op factions ive found alot of new players and some old ones that started hacking alot and im getting really sick of finding hackers at...
i think the application is good but ya you need to be more active, i play on op factions everyday and ive never seen you.
are you jelly of my profile pic :>
uh this i kinda a question i had for a while but whyd u change your name to icuntpvphd?
Your ingame name: super4321 The offender's ingame name: martinking A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: disrespect...
look at about 3:30 -4 min Its kinda hard to tell because hes probably got kill aura set to about 30 degrees so he only hits infront of him but he...
If mods would be willing to do it there could be like a name appeal were players can make their case why there name is appropriate and a couple...
Would pet hiding count as a glitch abuse since alot of players have been using them to get out of pvp they know there going to die in. Plus im...
Your ingame name: super4321 The offender's ingame name: epicfreakman A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: anti kb...
Your ingame name: super4321 name of accused: slimeypinapple A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: kill aura...
Your ingame name: super4321 The offender's ingame name: alexlovespussy A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: hacking kill aura...
Your ingame name: super4321 The offender's ingame name: xzombiechris A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: kill aura and anti...
Also in addition i would like to ask that an ip check be run on beastofburden / mcmmohoe because im pretty sure there the same person and he was...